Our Promise

Our Promise to You

1. Offer the best products available. Let me tell you a story. In 1998 and 1999, I worked for a regional bank in Dallas (Bank United Securities). The bank had an "approved list" of annuities that we could offer our customers. If an annuity was not on the bank’s approved list, we couldn’t sell it. How did annuity companies get their products on the list? By paying the bank a hefty fee to get listed. We serve you, not our company. There are no "approved lists." We can search for the best products in your state and find the best deals.

2. Stress-Free Buying Experience. Nothing is worse than a desperate salesperson who pressures you to make a decision before you are ready. We aim to treat you like we would want to be treated in your situation. This means treating you with respect. Letting you take the time to make your decision. Not overhyping what the products will do. Being honest at the beginning. Not misrepresenting what annuities do. Doing the right thing.

3. Back recommendations with third-party proof. Don't take an insurance agent’s word that a product is the best. Demand proof from third parties. Shop around. Do your research! Too often, insurance agents fall in love with a few products and sell them to everyone. The insurance agent might have a “story” behind why they only sell two products. Know you are buying the annuity “contract,” not the story. Our website will give you a great deal of information about the various products on the market. We want to arm you with information, not hype.

4. Provide Education, Not Pressure. We realize that you might need time to make a decision. We aim to provide the education you need, so be patient while you get comfortable with the process. Buying an annuity is an important decision. Take your time and learn what you are buying. Annuities are not for everyone. As you learn more about annuities, you will decide if they fit you.

5. Honesty (Not surprises or Hype). Why do people regret buying an annuity? Last weekend, I read over 500 positive and negative reviews from annuity owners. Owners were angry because their insurance agent was not honest with them, usually about the annuity term or expected returns. Or the fees in variable annuities. Being honest involves being upfront with you at the very beginning. For example, you should know if index annuities might make a 2-5% return. You should know the fees for the products. Surprises are not good when it comes to annuities. You should know what you are getting into when you buy an annuity. You will be happy if you know the good, bad, and ugly up front.

6. Create a Relationship Built on Trust. The best way to grow any business is to have clients who trust you. Trust is everything in financial services. We hope that by earning your trust over time, you will trust us enough to refer people to your community. It begins with honesty and treating you right.

7. Full Transparency. One of our goals with this website is to foster open transparency. We want people to buy annuities for the right reasons. We don’t want you to be misled by deceptive marketing. We don’t want consumers to purchase annuities for the wrong reasons. I want to clean up some sales practices, starting with transparency. Some companies might not like us, but we don't serve them. We serve you.

8. Support You Every Step of the Way. Our network is there to support you every step of the way. We are there for you, from education to quotes to applying to ownership.